• If we dream about group of chicken or chicken’s pen, it means backbiting and gossip.... (Chicken)
  • Loud chicken in a dream means calumnies and fights.... (Chicken)
  • If one sees a chicken or a female peacock hooting inside his house or garden in a dream, it means a calamity which is met with a belligerent character.... (Chicken)
  • Silent chicken to dream foretells security and good hopes.... (Chicken)
  • Dreaming of eating chicken symbolizes selfishness that hurts others due to the own dreamer’s intolerance, stubbornness, etc.... (Chicken)
  • Slaughtering a chicken in a dream means deflowering a virgin servant.... (Chicken)
  • Hunting a chicken in a dream means receiving lawful and easy profits.... (Chicken)
  • (Bird | Fowl) A chicken in a dream represents the woman of the house, while the rooster in a dream represents the man of the house.... (Chicken)
  • A chicken in a dream also represents a woman who takes care of orphans and raises charities for their sake, or it could represent a blond woman, or a servant.... (Chicken)
  • Owning a chicken in a dream means dispelling difficulties, or it could be a show of happiness.... (Chicken)
  • Chickens that are being roasted: someone who wants to harm the dreamer, who is already a suspect.... (Chicken)
  • Chickens or roosters which are already mature: Business or firm affairs.... (Chicken)
  • If it’s laying eggs it announces profits.... (Chicken)
  • If it’s brooding eggs and it’s white it’s a sign of multiple, though small, benefits.... (Chicken)
  • Small chickens: business, affairs, or love relationships that are barely starting.... (Chicken)
  • If it is black it announces small problems.... (Chicken)
  • Middle age chickens: business or affairs that are progressing.... (Chicken)
  • Seeing one’s house filled with a large number of chickens in a dream means wealth or presiding over people, or it could mean dispelling one’s fear and establishing one’s rank.... (Chicken)
  • (Also see Peacock)... (Chicken)
  • Dreaming of chickens suggests that there is a constant bad feeling and unrest due to the problems that are being overvalued.... (Chicken)
  • It’s a type of self-reproach or self-criticism.... (Chicken)
  • Eat something fried means physical discomforts, sorrows and dejection.... (Fry)
  • If the seeds are fried or sauteed, then they denote a greater evil and hardships.... (Sesame seeds)
  • A fried fish in a dream means that one’s prayers will be answered.... (Fish)
  • If one’s chicken lay eggs for him in a dream, it means a new born in his family.... (Eggs)
  • (Fighter) In a dream, a rooster represents the man of the house and a chicken represents the lady of the house.... (Rooster)
  • If one sees himself raising chicken for eggs, then if the eggs hatch in his dream, it means that some of his affairs that where unsolvable will rejuvenate with success, and it could mean that he will beget a child who will grow to have true faith in God Almighty.... (Eggs)
  • Eating a chicken in a dream means receiving benefits from a woman.... (Meat)
  • To see chicken feathers, denotes small annoyances.... (Feather)
  • Dreaming of eating the heart of a chicken or any bird suggests the desire to achieve rare, unrealistic and difficult objectives that will cause problems, disrupting the normal development of the dreamer’s activities.... (Heart)
  • For a woman Dreaming that she vomits a chicken, and it hops off, denotes she will be disappointed in some pleasure by the illness of some relative.... (Vomit)
  • (See Chicken)... (Fowl)
  • Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone’s death.... (Voice)
  • (Baby | Chicken | Fowl) A chick in a dream represents a stolen or a missing child.... (Chicks)
  • To eat the heart of a chicken, denotes strange desires will cause you to carry out very difficult projects for your advancement.... (Heart)
  • (Also see Chicken)... (Peacock)
  • Cut the head off of a chicken ; joy, unexpected pleasure.... (Beheading)